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Updated: Jun 20, 2021

The summer edition from Natuur.Blad by Natuurpunt arrived in the mail. I was asked to make an illustration of some typical meadow flowers. I hope you like them!


Updated: May 17, 2021

Next year Cambridge University Press will publish a fully revised edition of The Little Owl : Population dynamics, behaviour and management of Athene noctua. A book describing all subspecies of the little owl with up-to-date scientific information and illustrated plates of the birds in their most typical habitat. As they have a very large range, these birds have adapted to a variety of habitats and evolved differently in size and plumage. I'm very excited to have the opportunity to dive deeper in the world of these fascinating birds. Follow me on instagram to see regular work in progress from now on.

You can now also sponsor this project and the Little owl management group Stone by buying postcards of an iconic scene for many Dutch followers of Beleef De Lente. For €25 you'll receive 5 postcards. Please send an email to if you are interested.


Updated: May 17, 2021

I'm very excited to be featured in the very first edition of the new Belgium Bird Magazine Fwiet! As this 144 paged issue is all about owls, I have shared some of my field sketches of this intriguing family. Congrats to all other contributors and the makers Timothy Begijn & Jeroen Denaeghel! Make sure to check it out on

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