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Last Tuesday the Antwerp society for nature study (ANKONA) celebrated their 20th anniversary by releasing a special book called 'Pretoogjes in het veld'. The publication is all about the importance of nature study and conservation. The authors Hans Van Dyck and Jos Gysels plea to invest in our biodiversity and take you along in the history of Ankona. Several Flemish celebrities talk about their most fascinating nature experiences. I was happy to deliver the illustrations for the cover and title pages. Dutch readers can order it for free at


De laatste aflevering van vogelpodcast Fwiet! Fwiet! door Begijn Le Bleu is uit, met leuke interviews en informatie van de Belgische Vogeldag. Ik kreeg ook even de kans om iets over mijn werk te vertellen.


Recently I was featured in birdpodcast Fwiet! Fwiet! by Begijn Le Blue.


Updated: May 20, 2020

In May I went to do some fieldwork in the UK. Here are some pictures. The main focus of the trip lay on studying and sketching the birds. The highlights of the trip where the Farne Islands, Bassrock and Isle of Mull. Top locations to get very close to the birds and have a lot of time to study them.

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